Reforge Payment and Funding Options

To participate in a Reforge program you must be a member. Reforge membership costs $1,995 per year and is payable via credit card or wire transfer. We realize this is a financial investment in your career and we’re confident that our programs are well worth it.


Book with a team 

Reforge offers discounts for teams. For members, it costs $1,795 per person for teams of 3+, and costs tier from there depending on team size. To create a team booking, contact us here or click below to learn more. All team members must be from the same company.

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Expense through your company

A Reforge membership is just as valuable to your company as it is for you. The systems and frameworks you learn at Reforge will expand your ability to produce results that move the business forward. For this reasonmany of our participants expense their membership to their company. Every company’s policy is different, so we’ve put together example pitches you can use below.

Example Pitches

You can use the pre-written emails below to pitch Reforge to your manager, customizing as necessary. Just copy the doc and edit from there!

Reimbursement tips from reforge alumni

  • Show your commitment by having a plan of how you are going to make time and apply the learnings to your product.

  • Position the program as an investment, not an expense. If the program helps you increase growth of your product by even a tiny amount, it pays for itself.

  • Include a list of the leaders involved in Reforge.

  • Understand your company’s education budget. Most companies have professional development budgets set aside for their employees. Understanding the policy can help you make your case.

  • Tap into a conference budget. Many companies have budgets to send employees to a conference. The ROI of Reforge compared to a conference is much greater. You get structured content, focused networking, and specific outcomes.

  • Include Reviews from Alumni. Our Reviews Page is full of compelling statements that reinforce the effectiveness of Reforge Programs. Reforge has over 5,000 alumni from some of the world's best tech companies including Spotify, Uber, Google, Dropbox, AirBnB, Facebook, and many more.

  • Include a sample of the content. The following blog posts offer primers on program material: